Trump Told To His Face: ‘Are You Afraid To Testify?’

It has come to light that the reporters bombarded former President Donald Trump before and after he ranted outside the courthouse and pressed him on whether he’ll testify — with one suggesting he’s “afraid” to via Mediaite.



Court resumed Monday morning in the Stormy Daniels hush money-election interference trial following a week that saw topsy-turvy situation between damaging direct examination of former Trump fixer Michael Cohen and cross-examinations that took chunks out of Cohen and his credibility. Cohen’s testimony continued on Monday.

The week was also featured a growing Greek chorus of Trump surrogates from Congress and other elected officials showing up to attack on Trump’s behalf.

On his way into court Monday morning, Trump halted to deliver an angry seven-minute rant which saw familiar attacks and falsehoods, as well as now-customary recitations of supportive statements from pundits, and a rare shout-out to acting and singing legend Peggy Lee.

However, the questions with which Trump was bombarded were almost unanimously about one thing — whether or not he will take the stand as the trial winds down:

REPORTER 1: Mr. Trump, are you (inaudible) to testify?

REPORTER 2: Mr. Trump are you surprised your lawyers advised you not to testify?

DONALD TRUMP: Thank you very much. I’m here instead of campaigning. As you know, I was supposed to be in a very different state this morning, and the judge actually decided to call this early. And yet, it looks like we’re going to have a very big gap between days. And it’s going to be determined right now in court.

But we’re here about an hour early today. I was supposed to be making a speech for political purposes. I’m not allowed to have anything to do with politics, because I’m sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for the last four weeks. It’s very unfair–

He’s totally conflicted! This is the most conflicted judge, probably in the history of the court system. And everyone knows what I’m talking about! Thank you very much.

REPORTER 1: Will you testify?

REPORTER 2: Will you follow your lawyers advising you not testify?

REPORTER 1: Mr. Trump, do you want to testify?

REPORTER 2: Are you afraid to testify, sir?

Barry Russell
Barry Russell
A dedicated pro wrestling follower for more than a decade

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