Congressman Caught ‘Gushing’ To Biden After Attack

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) recently spoke to Fox News about President Joe Biden’s recent border visit and it came just days after gushing to Biden about the border on a hot mic after the SOTU via Mediaite.



It has been noted that Cuellar was a guest on Saturday’s edition of Fox News Channel’s Cavuto Live, during which guest host Ed Lawrence asked, “If nothing changes, would you vote again for President Biden in the next presidential election?”

The Texas Dem has been long outspoken critic of Democratic presidents on border policy, told Lawrence, “Yes, I would support him. You know, do I agree with him 100%? Nobody agrees with — if it’s a Republican, they don’t agree with Trump 100%. But, yes, I’ll support President Biden. But again, when it comes to border security, the Senate deal was something we need to take a look at.”

However,  Cuellar also noted what was seen as a shot at Biden’s border visit when he told Lawrence, “Look, I’m at the border, I don’t just come in, take photos at the border for a couple of hours and then take off. I live here. I talk to Border Patrol. I talk to ICE. I talk to CBP, the folks at our bridges. And again, I want to make sure that if we do something together, let’s work.”

Cuellar was among the Democrats who flocked to the president following the State of the Union address barely a week earlier. As the president mingled with senators and members of the House, Cuellar approached him and said, “Good job on the border!”

Cuellar then posed for a selfie, and as the president thanked him, Cuellar said, “Oh yeah! I’m sticking with you!”

“No, no really, thank you!” he added.

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) went in for a handshake and said “You did good, it was amazing! You did a good job, you were right on the money!”

“Yeah, you were on fire! You were on fire today!” Cuellar chimed in.

Barry Russell
Barry Russell
A dedicated pro wrestling follower for more than a decade

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