Diddy Bodyguard Drops Kim Porter Bombshell

The former head of security for Sean “Diddy” Combs, Roger Bonds, revealed to Piers Morgan on Monday that he witnessed the music mogul physically abuse his former girlfriends, Cassie and Kim Porter, on several occasions. Bonds claimed he saw Diddy “get physical” with them “four or five times” during his tenure as Diddy’s bodyguard.



Bonds expressed skepticism regarding the apology video Diddy shared after the release of disturbing footage from 2016 showing him assaulting Cassie. In the Instagram video, Diddy admitted, “I was f–ked up. I mean, I hit rock bottom.” He also stated, “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video — disgusting. I was disgusted then when I did it. I’m disgusted now. I went out and sought professional help. I got into going to therapy, had to go into rehab. I had to ask God for his mercy and grace. I’m so sorry.”

However, Bonds dismissed the sincerity of Diddy’s apology, criticizing him for not mentioning Cassie by name. “He’s up to the same games. He never mentioned Cassie’s name in that apology, so to me he didn’t humble himself enough. I think he said what people wanted to hear, not what he felt,” Bonds remarked. He went on to describe Diddy as “a king manipulator” who is driven by “money and power,” suggesting that Diddy has a “god syndrome.”

Kim Porter, a model and actress who had three children with Diddy, passed away in 2018. The couple had split in 2007. Bonds noted that Porter eventually started to fight back against Diddy, realizing her own strength and power. “Kim got to the point where she fought back, because she realized how powerful she was,” he said.

Bonds also spoke about Diddy’s darker side, which he claimed the mogul wanted to keep hidden. “There was this dark side of him that he was trying to hide and that he wanted me to say didn’t exist. And I can’t say that it didn’t exist if it did exist,” Bonds explained. He predicted that more allegations against Diddy would surface, stating, “I feel like there’s going to be other people that come forward.”

Diddy is currently facing multiple serious charges, including rape, gang rape, sex trafficking, and drugging. However, he will not face charges for the 2016 assault on Cassie. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office announced on Saturday that the incident is “beyond the timeline where a crime of assault can be prosecuted.” So essentially, things just don’t look good for him at the moment.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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