Dominik Mysterio Sad Issue With Fiance Revealed

Dominik Mysterio, much like his father Rey Mysterio, places a strong emphasis on family values and wholehearted commitment in his personal life. Despite portraying a disliked character in the WWE wrestling arena, Dominik’s true persona contrasts significantly. In reality, he embodies an exact opposite, marked by his genuine care and devotion. However, the demanding and taxing schedule of WWE has posed challenges for his relationship with his fiancée.



Dominik Mysterio’s romantic journey spans over a decade with Juliette, his partner in life. The roots of their relationship trace back to their high school days, where they first crossed paths. Their connection was fostered in a Spanish class they shared, and their affection blossomed into a romantic relationship in 2011. Having grown from high school sweethearts to mature partners, they embarked on the path of engagement earlier this year, set to solidify their bond as husband and wife.

In a conversation with Bakers Bantering, Dominik Mysterio candidly delved into the intricacies of his relationship with Juliette. Acknowledging the demands of a life on the road as a WWE wrestler, Dominik conceded that the arduous travel schedule often strains his connection with Juliette. However, he noted that this predicament was not foreign to them, having navigated similar challenges for years.

Opening up about the dynamics of their relationship, Dominik remarked:

“Man, it’s honestly pretty hard doing, I guess, what we would call long distance because I’m in so many places, and it’s (…) She was kinda prepared for it in a way because when I started training just to become a wrestler, I moved to Tampa for six months, and she was still in school, so she couldn’t come with me.

And then I came home for about a month and a half and then moved to Canada for three months to go train there. And she was still in school, and we kinda honestly, we just kinda made it work somehow. I think it’s because we’ve been with each other for so long and that, like we kinda, we enjoy each other. So, we definitely did make it work.”.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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