Kid Rock Disturbing Mass Killing Remark Leaks

Musician and entertainer Kid Rock told host Joe Rogan Thursday that Israel should start deliberately wiping out civilians by the tens of thousands in Gaza each day that hostages taken in the October 7 terror attack are still held captive, in a shocking several minutes that had the podcast host pushing back more than once via Mediaite.



Kid Rock recently made an appearance on Thursday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” on Spotify, and the two discussed a variety of topics including the war in Gaza that began when Hamas terrorists committed a heinous surprise attack targeting civilians in Israel on October 7 of last year.

Hostages taken captive during that brutal, murderous assault are still being held by terror groups in Gaza led by Hamas.

On Thursday, as they were discussing wars in general, including Vietnam, Rogan brought up Palestine and Israel, saying that he sometimes feels optimistic things will be sorted out, but then tempering that feeling with the realization that his own views are influenced by his perspective as an American.

“If you lived in Gaza, you would be convinced that it’s the end of the world, right? Because it is the end of the world in one place, in that spot. It’s the end of the world,” he said. “But where you are, it’s not. And you got to look at it that way.”

That prompted Kid Rock to share his idea of how success is achieved in conflicts, and his idea for Israel on handling the hostage situation.

“Only wars we won were fucking ones where we were the most brutal motherfuckers on the planet,” said Kid Rock. “Which, I don’t disagree with what Israel is doing.”

“It’s like, they should just go in there and be like, you know what? We want our hostages back. If we don’t have them back, clock starts now. And fucking 24 hours, we’re going to start bombing motherfuckers and killing fucking civilians, thirty-, forty-thousand a fucking time,” he said. “So you civilians better fucking pack up and fucking get these fucking motherfuckers. And you go against Hamas. You fucking go against them. We’re not playing fucking games with you.”

After a lengthy conversation, which included a discussion of potential nuclear war, had multiple instances of Rogan pushing back on the idea, including pointing out the civilians are not armed, that the situation is not the fault of innocent civilians, that those living in Gaza do not have a choice about who is in power or who acts in their name, and so on.

Eventually Rogan had to put a fine point on it.

“You’re not supposed to pick civilian targets,” he said. “That’s actually a war crime.”

“You can’t fight war like that!” said Kid Rock.

“But you’re not supposed to pick civilian targets,” Rogan repeated.

When Rock said that Hamas hides behind civilian targets, Rogan agreed that they do, then added, “But also, if you’re a person who’s born in Palestine, you’re fucked. You’re under their control. It’s not your fault.”

“Yeah. By birth,” said Kid Rock. “You’re fucked.”

“Yeah, but that those aren’t our enemy,” Joe Rogan said as the voice of reason.

ROGAN: If you lived in Gaza, you would be convinced that it’s the end of the world, right? Because it is the end of the world in one place, in that spot. It’s the end of the world. But where you are, it’s not. And you got to look at it that way. And when I look at it that way, my.

KID ROCK: Only wars we won were fucking ones where we were the most brutal motherfuckers on the planet. Which, I don’t disagree with what Israel is doing. It’s like, they should just go in there and be like, you know what? We want our hostages back. If we don’t have them back, clock starts now. And fucking 24 hours, we’re going to start bombing motherfuckers and killing fucking civilians, thirty-, forty-thousand a fucking time. So you civilians better fucking pack up and fucking get these fucking motherfuckers. And you go against Hamas. You fucking go against them. We’re not playing fucking games with you.

ROGAN: Yeah but the problem is the civilians are not armed.

KID ROCK: That’s the only thing people understand. That’s what happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Boom. Just wiped out. They’re like, oh yes, we don’t have Supreme Leader anymore. We did not know you had such big bomb.

ROGAN: Yeah, but everybody has big bombs now. The problem is you use a big bomb. You set a precedent that they can use a big bomb.

KID ROCK: They don’t have one.

ROGAN: Well, they don’t, but their allies do. That’s the real problem.

KID ROCK: Bomb the fuck out of them. Someone’s going to learn.

ROGAN: Yeah but…

KID ROCK: You get your ass beat hard enough…

ROGAN: You can’t just nuclear bomb people.

KID ROCK: I didn’t say nuke ’em.

ROGAN: They nuclear bomb you back.

KID ROCK: No, I didn’t say nuke ’em.

ROGAN: Okay, you said Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I thought you meant it like that.

KID ROCK: No, no, I was saying just the brute force of strength used in those.

ROGAN: Yeah, but even even a conventional bombing campaign. If you want to do that somewhere, they can do that to your place. And this is what we have to avoid.

KID ROCK: Fuck around and find out.

ROGAN: Yeah, until someone launches nukes and then we have a and, we – our civilization is over. The world as you know it ceases to exist. There is no more electricity. Whatever tools you have are things you find, and a small percentage of us are going to make it to breed and then make new kids and go out into the world.

KID ROCK: I like how you said us.

ROGAN: Like it’s very few people that are going to live, man.

KID ROCK: That’s like me and you could probably.

ROGAN: Maybe. Yeah, yeah, I have chickens too. I have elk in the freezer too. But.

KID ROCK: You can, you can gut an elk.

ROGAN: I can gut an elk. Yeah, but that freezer is not going to stay on. So I’m going to lose most of my meat. Unless I turn it into jerky. You’re going to have to do something to figure out how to fucking get by, because the world is going to be different. You know, you’re not going to have any electricity forever. For the rest of your life, there’ll be no electricity.

KID ROCK: Just throwing paint at the wall, but what if we empower the people of Palestine who are, could be good people? I don’t know. Last I checked, most these motherfuckers hate us. But, and I’m not saying all the people do. There’s probably a lot that don’t. Just like in Iran, the population is, you know, because of the Iraq war there, there’s so many under 50 there that’s like the majority.

ROGAN: The thing is that these guys don’t have access to other information outside of where they live. And then on top of that the…

KID ROCK: Elon send the Starlink, we’ll send them some fucking guns. The fuck, let’s go.

ROGAN: The problem is, most of them would be so opposed to Israel that they would want to use those guns to go attack Israel.

KID ROCK: Well, then we’ve…

ROGAN: Especially now.

KID ROCK: Now we have, now we have due reason to fuck them all up.

ROGAN: Yeah, but if you think about you’re a kid and you don’t know why there’s a conflict between Palestine and Israel…

KID ROCK: It’s fucking war.

ROGAN: … And you’re living in Palestine, and then they start bombing, and then they kill your mom.

KID ROCK: It’s war. It’s fucking war.

ROGAN: Yeah, but you didn’t do, … right, but you didn’t do anything,.

KID ROCK: It sounds like Bud Light.

ROGAN: And then you get guns, you’re going to go want to attack people. You’re going to want to avenge them. You’re going to want to join whatever group or whatever terrorist group…

KID ROCK: So why World War Two end?

ROGAN: Well, why did World War Two start?

KID ROCK: Checkmate.

ROGAN: You got a dude who’s fucking methed up. You got a, Adolf Hitler, methed up, charismatic dude that wants to take over the world. That’s how it started, you know? How did it end? Nuclear bombs. But it also ended through attrition. You know, at the end of it, like, the devastation on both sides was so horrible.

KID ROCK: Terrible. But where was the end? What was the…

ROGAN: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yeah.

KID ROCK: But what was the alternative?

ROGAN: Well, that’s that case. You know, the thing about, whenever you’re bombing cities like you–

KID ROCK: What if that was your house? What if that was your house? Let’s call your house Israel and your neighbors are Palestine.

ROGAN: Okay.

KID ROCK: These motherfuckers are. You got a family of four. They come over and fucking take out two of them in the fucking worst way. Are you really going to, like, worry about? Like what type of force you’re using at your neighbors?

ROGAN: No, you definitely wouldn’t.

KID ROCK: Well the wife didn’t have anything to do with it, we got to make sure she’s okay and get some aid, this here is like, no, I’m sorry, man, this is fucking war. It’s terrible. It’s the worst thing on earth. I’m a peaceful man.

ROGAN: Right. But you’re not supposed to pick civilian targets. That’s actually a war crime.

KID ROCK: You can’t fight war like that!

ROGAN: But you’re not supposed to pick civilian targets.

KID ROCK: But they’re hiding in civilian targets!

ROGAN: They are. So that’s where, like, the Mossad has been able to get into hospitals…

KID ROCK: They’re in hospitals, they got trenches fucking underneath. They got operation centers.

ROGAN: They killed those dudes the other day.

KID ROCK: And all we can do is go by the reporting, like, you know, I get it. But at some point, you got to believe something, right?

ROGAN: No, I definitely do. They definitely seem to be doing that. But also, if you’re a person who’s born in Palestine, you’re fucked. You’re under their control. It’s not your fault.

KID ROCK: Yeah. By birth. You’re fucked.

ROGAN: Yeah, but that those aren’t our enemy.

Barry Russell
Barry Russell
A dedicated pro wrestling follower for more than a decade

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