Newsom Reveals If Biden Is Really Dropping Out

California Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, showered praise on President Joe Biden’s leadership during an appearance on Meet The Press. Newsom, responding to host Kristen Welker’s inquiry about Biden’s age and the concerns of voters regarding a potential second term, lauded Biden’s record and referred to his presidency as a “masterclass” in running the country.



Defending Biden’s capabilities, Newsom highlighted the achievements of the administration over the past three years. He emphasized the creation of nearly 15 million jobs, a figure significantly higher than the combined job creation under the last three Republican presidents. Newsom also pointed to the robust state of the economy, with inflation at a manageable 3.1%, a slight increase from the summer of 2020.

Attributing positive developments, such as the resurgence of American manufacturing, to Biden’s leadership, Newsom commended the president’s wisdom, temperance, and ability to lead in a bipartisan manner. He expressed great confidence in Biden’s capacity to continue guiding the nation for the next four years.

Welker challenged Newsom by highlighting concerns about Biden’s ability to defeat potential Republican candidate Donald Trump in a re-election bid. Quoting voter apprehensions about Biden’s competence to serve a second term, she questioned the responsibility of placing him at the forefront of the Democratic ticket.

In response, Newsom reiterated his admiration for Biden’s record and argued that the voters’ concerns were not about his achievements but rather focused on his ability to defeat Trump, whom Newsom had previously referred to as a threat to democracy. The governor defended Biden’s strength and effectiveness in addressing critical issues, asserting that the president was already doing everything necessary.

Newsom cited Biden’s handling of the situation in Ukraine and his efforts to address bipartisan concerns related to the border. According to Newsom, Biden’s success was evident, and the president was leading effectively. He dismissed the need for Biden to prove himself further, asserting that the president’s accomplishments spoke for themselves.

Acknowledging Biden’s age, Newsom contended that it was precisely because of his age that he had been successful. He attributed Biden’s accomplishments to the wisdom and character developed over the years, presenting the president’s age as an asset rather than a liability. Newsom framed the opportunity for Biden to serve for four more years as a gift to the American people.

Newsom’s positive assessment of Biden’s presidency sharply contrasted with the dire predictions made by GOP frontrunner Donald Trump during his CPAC keynote address. Trump had painted a bleak picture, describing a potential second term for Biden as a path to “servitude and ruin.”

In summary, Governor Newsom defended President Biden’s record, touted his achievements, and expressed unwavering confidence in Biden’s ability to lead for another term, dismissing concerns about age and emphasizing the wisdom gained over the years as an asset. The contrasting perspectives between Newsom’s praise and Trump’s warnings showcase the divisive nature of political discourse surrounding Biden’s potential re-election.

“Responsible? I revere his record,” Newsom answered, continuing:

I mean, what he’s done in three years, it’s been a masterclass. Close to 15 million jobs, that’s eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined. The economy is booming, inflation is cooling. It’s .6% more than it was in the summer of 2020 at just 3.1%.

Wait a second, we have American manufacturing coming home, all because of Biden’s wisdom, his temperance, his capacity to to lead in a bipartisan manner, which is an underrepresented point. And, so, I have great confidence moving forward. And so the answer is, absolutely! All in, in terms of the next four years for Joe Biden.

Welker pushed back, “These voters, though, aren’t complaining about his record. They’re talking about concerns about his ability to beat Trump, who you’ve called lightning, a threat, essentially to democracy. We’ve heard a lot of his allies say publicly, in private, ‘He is strong, he’s in command, he’s forceful.’ Does he need to do more to show that?”

“I think he’s doing everything he needs to do,” Newsom answered. “I mean, he’s got an extraordinary record. He’s doing everything he needs to do on Ukraine at the moment. He’s doing everything he needs to do to wrestle some common sense as it relates to a bipartisan approach to address the issue of the border when Republicans couldn’t take yes for an answer, because they don’t want to make that a political issue. He is leading.

“So, no, from my humble prospective, not only have the last three years been extraordinary, I’ve been out, as you know, on the campaign trail. I was just out in California. I’ve seen him up close, I’ve seen him from far. But here’s my point: it’s because of his age that he’s been so successful. It’s because of the wisdom and the character that’s developed over the years…so the opportunity to express that for four more years, what a gift it is for the American people.”

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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