The Rock Humiliated By Girl In Embarrassing Video

The Rock made a grand entrance at WWE World, formerly known as Axxess, on Thursday (April 4) to meet fans and participate in a Q&A session before WrestleMania XL in Philadelphia.



However, staying true to his style, The Final Boss operates on his own clock.

Arriving almost two hours late to the Pennsylvania Convention Center, The Rock eventually appeared before the waiting crowd. Initially met with displeasure due to the delay, the audience voiced their frustration with boos. The Rock teased the reason for his tardiness, attributing it to his interest in the Philadelphia Eagles’ quarterback, Jalen Hurts, losing in the playoffs.

Despite the rocky start, The Rock engaged with the audience for nearly 30 minutes, enduring a mix of chants ranging from supportive to critical. Eventually, he shifted the Q&A session to the fans, reaffirming his partnership with Roman Reigns for WrestleMania, promising victory over Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins.

“Are you sure you want to know why The Rock was late,” The Rock asked. “He was watching YouTube, watching Jalen Hurts lose in the playoffs.”

Loud boos echoed through the Convention Center, just one of many sentiments expressed during The Rock’s nearly 30-minute appearance. Other notable and diverse chants included “A**hole,” “Cody Sucks,” and “Roman’s B****.”

However, a young girl challenged The Rock, questioning his entitlement to a title shot against Reigns since he hadn’t won the Royal Rumble, unlike Cody. The Rock responded with his trademark charisma, emphasizing his status as “The Great One” and “The Final Boss.” Undeterred, the girl asserted Cody’s victory, prompting The Rock to promise her an apology for Cody’s impending defeat at WrestleMania.

As the exchange concluded, The Rock acknowledged the girl’s passion while reassuring her she’d understand the dynamics of wrestling as she grew older.

Reflecting on the encounter, it’s clear The Rock faced unexpected scrutiny from an unexpected source. Whether this will impact his performance at WrestleMania remains to be seen, but one thing’s certain: he may think twice before inviting audience questions again.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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