Trump Alleged ‘Signs Of Dementia’ Revealed

The psychologist who initiated the widely circulated petition for medical and mental health professionals to diagnose former President Donald Trump with dementia has likened Trump to the Wizard of Oz, asserting that Trump is “demented” and “incapable of doing the job.”



Dr. John Gartner, amidst the multitude of blunders made by the former president at rallies over the past months and years, felt compelled to alert the public to the potential consequences of supporting Trump’s bid for a second term against incumbent Democrat Joe Biden, who has also faced criticism for his own verbal slip-ups.

Gartner described Trump as exhibiting manic energy and charisma, likening him to the Wizard of Oz—seemingly formidable on the surface but cognitively weak once the façade is stripped away. Gartner emphasized that Trump lacks the mental capacity to comprehend the demands of the presidency and could be easily manipulated by others.

Trump’s purported cognitive decline, according to Gartner, presents an opportunity for manipulation, with experts suggesting that foreign leaders like Putin may exploit Trump’s perceived incompetence for their own agendas.

To address what he sees as a concerning situation, Gartner created a petition titled “We diagnose Trump with probable dementia: A petition for licensed professionals only,” restricted to medical and mental health professionals. The petition aims to shed light on Trump’s alleged dementia and challenge media narratives that normalize his behavior while scrutinizing Biden’s cognitive state.

Gartner noted the reluctance of some medical professionals to speak out due to fears of professional repercussions. Nevertheless, he sees those who have signed the petition as courageous whistleblowers who have taken a risk to bring attention to what they perceive as a critical issue.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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