Trump Reveals Top Democrat Getting Biden Removed?

Former President Donald Trump commented on the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden initiated by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy during an interview with SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly. Trump expressed his views on the impeachment inquiry and its implications, as well as his perspective on the precedent set by his own impeachment experiences.



Trump criticized President Biden’s policies and the state of the country, particularly focusing on the situation at the border and economic concerns. He mentioned rising inflation and argued that the country was facing significant challenges. When asked about the impeachment inquiry against Biden, Trump called it a “horrible precedent” and expressed concerns about the direction of the country.

He drew a comparison between the impeachment processes against him and the current inquiry into Biden. Trump mentioned that Democrats did not conduct inquiries before impeaching him but proceeded to vote because they had the votes to do so. He noted the differences in the dynamics of the two parties, referencing Mitt Romney’s stance during his impeachment, and highlighted his popularity within the Republican Party.

Trump suggested that the Democrats’ actions against him had set a precedent, and he believed that as time went on, Republicans might consider similar actions, including initiating impeachment inquiries or pursuing indictments when they were in power. He expressed his disapproval of this potential trend and the impact it could have on the country.

Megyn Kelly asked Trump if he would consider turning the tables on indictments if he were to become president again, to which Trump responded that he would think about it differently. He emphasized that he did not support such actions because he believed they were bad for the country.

MEGYN KELLY: All right. So let’s start with the impeachment news. Yesterday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that the House is going to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. I know you were supportive of it. Some people believe it could do for him with Democrats what the indictments did for you with Republicans, rally support around him. Do you think there’s any risk of that?

DONALD TRUMP: Look, it’s a horrible precedent. Our country is going to hell whether it’s impeachment or not impeachment. This man is destroying our country at the border. He’s destroying it economically. Inflation’s way up now. You see what happened just today? That’s up to them if they want to do impeachment or impeachment inquiry. I didn’t have never had an inquiry. Nancy Pelosi. Crazy. Nancy said, We’re going to impeach him. They didn’t do inquiries. They went out and they voted because they had the votes. And as usual, everybody votes. You know, for the Democrats, it’s a little bit easier. They didn’t have Mitt Romney’s of the world. And that’s really nice because now he’s not running today, as you know, he just announced. I think that’s great for the Republican Party, for the country and for Utah.

But that’s going to be up to them whether or not they want to do it. I have no idea whether they will or not. We do have a lot of other things, but it’s quite important.

And they did it to me. And had they not done it to me, I think, and nobody officially said this, but I think had they not done it to me, and I’m very popular in the Repu– and they like me and I like them. The Republican Party, perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them. And this is going to happen with indictments, to fake indictments. And I think you’re going to see that as time goes by, you’re going to see Republicans when they’re in power doing it. And it’s a shame when that happens. I’m not in favor of that. But that’s what’s going to happen because that’s human nature.

MEGYN KELLY: Would you do it if you became president again, turn the indictment table?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I would think about it differently. I would have never even thought of doing it. But now you certainly have to think about it differently. It doesn’t mean I do it because I think it’s so bad for the country.


Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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