Backstage News on Lance Cade’s Most Recent WWE Release

– As noted before, Lance Cade was released by WWE again this past week after being re-hired late last year. Cade asked to go to rehab shortly after being re-hired and soon after he got out of rehab, they released him again.



Cade said that he was contacted by Michael Hayes last August and told he had a spot on SmackDown as a top heel against Undertaker, in a new interview with Cade was re-hired in October. Instead of going to the main roster, the feud with Undertaker was nixed and he went to FCW for a bit. Cade says John Laurinaitis called him in December saying they were going to bring him to the main roster, likely on ECW. Cade was having problems going through painkiller withdrawals which led to an addiction to sleeping pills. He called officials and asked to be put in rehab.

Cade finished rehab and says in early March, Shawn Michaels told him he was done and would never be used as a top guy. This past week he was released. Cade is upset that most guys let their problems get even worse for fear or “losing their spot” and when he tried to get help for his problems, he was fired.

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