Biden Cracks Up Laughing At Trump’s Girl In Congress

In a recent interview, President Joe Biden was shown a video clip of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) criticizing the Inflation Reduction Act on the House floor. The clip, presented by anti-Trump podcast host Ben Meiselas, amused the president, who then proceeded to make light-hearted remarks about Boebert’s perspective.



Meiselas, co-founder of the Meidas Touch PAC and podcast host for MeidasTouch Network, played the clip for Biden during the interview. Boebert was seen describing the Inflation Reduction Act as a “massive failure” and a “con game” by Democrats. The president responded with laughter, and after watching the clip, he mocked Boebert’s stance on legislation that he claimed had created numerous jobs in her constituency.

President Biden expressed incredulity at Boebert’s characterization of the Inflation Reduction Act, emphasizing the positive impact it had on job creation and economic growth. He playfully questioned whether Boebert and others who shared her perspective lacked understanding or were intentionally misrepresenting the situation.

Biden extended an invitation for Boebert to visit the CS Wind turbine factory, the largest wind turbine factory globally, where he gave a speech about the Inflation Reduction Act and its positive effects on job opportunities. The president encouraged Boebert to speak directly to the factory workers and explain why she considered the legislation a “massive failure.”

In the interview, Biden also touched on broader economic topics, highlighting the importance of job creation and economic growth. He expressed bewilderment at Boebert’s criticism and questioned her stance on taxing billionaires at a rate of less than 8%.

BEN MEISELAS: So we’re here in Pueblo, Colorado, gave an incredible speech. We’re at the CS Wind turbine factory, the largest wind turbine factory in the world.

You were talking about the Inflation Reduction Act and jobs being brought to cities and communities across the United States of America and here in Pueblo. And the MAGA Republican representative, though, of Pueblo, Colorado, is MAGA Republican Lauren Boebert, and she gives the alternative position there on the Inflation Reduction Act.

And she says that the Inflation Reduction Act is a massive failure. And she said that it is another con by the Democrats. If I can. I want to show you a video of MAGA Republican Lauren Boebert talking. I apologize in advance for even showing this to you.

REP. LAUREN BOEBERT: And it does the exact opposite of what Americans need right now! This is just another con game by the Democrats calling something one thing. .

CHAIR: Gentlewoman’s time is expired!

REP. LAUREN BOEBERT: This is making the. (crosstalk)

BEN MEISELAS: Gentlewoman is no longer.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Recognized. The gentleman from.

BEN MEISELAS: Missouri reserves the bet. Mr. Speaker.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: On a narrative I’m asking.

BEN MEISELAS: I’m sorry!

PRESIDENT BIDEN: No, that’s okay. If it weren’t so important, it’d be humorous! What’d she call it, a massive failure? The only massive failure occurs in her thinking. The idea that in her own district. We’ve created so many new, good-paying jobs. And by the way, it’s generating economic growth across the board was the board. And when people get a good job, what they do is they have an opportunity to spend on things that their, basic needs for themselves. And by the way, we cut the deficit by $7 billion. The idea that she’s talking about this being a massive failure, I don’t get it. I don’t know whether they just don’t understand anything or whether or not they, in fact, are.

I hope she comes back here and tells the people in this factory the largest wind turbine factory in the world, that this is a massive stimulus. So just to invite her to come back. Come back and tell the folks back home. This is a massive failure. Tell the folks back home that all we’ve done to generate economic growth is not worth it. And I’d like to ask explain how she supports not taxing billionaires more than 8%. I have trouble explaining that again. I probably shouldn’t waste my time trying to.

The exchange reflected a light-hearted yet critical perspective from President Biden on Boebert’s opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act and her overall understanding of economic policies.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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