Chris Jericho ‘Exposes’ Brock Lesnar At AEW Dynamite

During AEW Dynamite, Chris Jericho and Jake Hager would interupt Dan Lambert of American Top Team which lead to a match being scheduled for next week of Jericho and Hager against Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, Lambert’s clients. However, during the segment, Jericho who was standing up for the honor of AEW brought up his MMA credentials by talking about how he has ‘mixed it up’ and has had a history of fighting backstage with MMA trained guys like former UFC champion Brock Lesnar. Jericho famously had an altercation with Lesnar backstage at Summerslam 2016.



It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …

All Elite Wrestling returns with the latest installment of their weekly AEW on TNT program, as Dynamite goes down this evening from the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey.

On tap for tonight’s show is the Dynamite in-ring debut of Adam Cole, who goes one-on-one against Frankie Kazarian. Also scheduled for the show is Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin, Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. 2point0, Leyla Hirsch vs. Jade Cargill, Bryan Danielson will address Kenny Omega, CM Punk will appear on guest commentary and more.

Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, September 15, 2021.


This week’s show kicks off with the usual signature intro video that starts the program off each and every Wednesday evening.

From there, we shoot inside the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. where fireworks and pyro explodes as Jim Ross welcomes us to the show and the camera pans around the venue.

CM Punk Takes His Spot On Commentary

J.R. welcomes his broadcast partners beside him already and then CM Punk’s theme hits and out comes “The Best in the World” to join them on special guest commentary for tonight’s show.

The fans sing along with Punk’s theme as he comes out and the commentators sing his praises. He does his new customary stage dive into the crowd and plays along with fans, including one at ringside dressed up like Dusty Rhodes in yellow polka dots.

Punk then sprints back up to the top of the stage to take his spot alongside J.R., Tony Schiavone and the returning Excalibur. The announcers run down the advertised lineup for tonight’s show and then Punk finally joins them as he puts his headset on.

Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian

The Elite’s own Adam Cole makes his way out to a huge pop, Bay-Bay. He heads down to the ring as Punk starts talking with the rest of the commentary team. Cole will make his Dynamite in-ring debut to kick off this week’s show.

Cole has the Newark crowd in the palm of his hands as he settles into the squared circle for the opening bout on this week’s show. His theme music dies down.

“The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian makes his way out as the 23-veteran heads down to the ring in red trunks in an homage to his team, SCU, which was with Daniels and at one point, Scorpio Sky. Excalibur talks about The Young Bucks ending that team.

We hear the bell and the crowd makes some loud noise as Cole and Kaz start circling each other. Cole charges at Kaz with a flying knee, but he dodges it and takes Cole down. Cole works his way back up and pushes Kaz into the ropes. Cole ends up flipping Kaz behind him over his head and Kaz takes a rough spill out to the floor.

Adam Cole heads out after him and whips him into the edge of the ring apron, before playing to the crowd. Meanwhile, Punk on commentary talks about the differences of the AEW ring and how the apron is a harder surface than most rings. Cole heads back into the ring and bows to the fans but then drops his head down and Kaz leg-drops him from the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Kaz goes to follow-up but walks right into a big kick to the face from Cole. Cole works some ground and pound on Kaz and then slaps a side head lock on him. Kaz escapes and ends up slapping a unique looking submission on Cole on the mat, which impresses Punk on commentary. Cole eventually kicks his way free.

Cole scoops Kaz up and hits a side-slam for a near fall attempt. He backs into the corner and tunes the band up for a big super kick on Kaz, but Kaz blocks it and hits a big German suplex into a bridge for a pin attempt. Kaz blasts Cole in the back with double knees. He looks for the crossface chicken wing but Cole kicks off the ropes to escape. He then catches Kaz with a super kick and covers him, but Kaz kicks out at two.

We see Cole head up to the top-rope and Excalibur points out that he could be looking for the Panama Sunrise, however Kaz avoids it and ends up hitting Cole with a springboard leg drop for a close near fall. From their knees, both guys trade punches all the way back to their feet. Kaz gets the better of things and hits Cole with a lariat. Cole then catches Kaz with a crazy move out of nowhere, dumping him on his head for a near fall of his own.

Kaz misses another leg drop in the ropes. Cole ends up following up with a Panama Sunrise off the top. He follows that up with running knees to the dome of Kaz for the pin fall victory in an excellent opener.

Winner: Adam Cole

Story Time With Adam Cole … Bay-Bay!

Adam Cole says it’s story time with Adam Cole, Bay-Bay! He talks about the locker room trying to keep up with The Elite, but claims it won’t happen.

He goes on to say three people in the locker room has gotten on his nerves. Those three are Christian Cage, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus. He says how about Rampage Grand Slam next week, it will be those three against Cole and The Young Bucks in a six-man tag.

He says “The SuperKliq is back, Bay-Bay!” He vows there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them and drops the mic.

Lucha Bros Defend Against The Butcher & The Blade On Rampage

We hear from The Lucha Bros and the team of The Blade and The Butcher in a special vignette promoting their showdown at AEW Rampage on TNT this coming Friday night, with the AEW Tag-Team Championships on-the-line. After this, we head to a commercial break.

Fuego Del Sol Gambles His Car For TNT Title Shot

When we return from the break, and Tony Schiavone is standing by with Fuego Del Sol and Sammy Guevara. Schiavone brings up Del Sol winning a new car and a spot in AEW. They are leaning on the car.

Del Sol says he’s trade it all in for the TNT title. Guevara says is that a challenge. He says it is and offers Miro his car for a shot at the TNT Title on this Friday night’s Rampage on TNT.

Brian Pillman Jr. Runs Off MJF

MJF’s theme hits and out he comes with a microphone. He heads down to the ring with Wardlow as the fans boo. He demands his music be cut off.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman tells the crowd they were sympathetic to “Cryin’ Brian Pillman” last week. He calls New Jersey the armpit of America. Punk asks if he’s from Jersey and is told he’s from Long Island.

MJF takes some more shots at Newark and then the fans interrupt him with a “Shut the f*ck up” chant. He says “No!” and continues talking.

He calls himself a religious man and says he wants to have a talk with “Flyin’ Brian Pillman.” He looks up to the heavens and changes his mind, then looks down to hell and says “Mr. Pillman, we need to talk!”

Friedman goes on to take some shots at Melanie Pillman again and then warns him to make his son not show up to Queens for their match at Arthur Ashe Stadium. The fans chant for Pillman. MJF says they can chant all they want because soon it’ll be obvious that he’s better than him, and he knows it.

Brian Pillman Jr.’s theme hits and MJF tells Wardlow to meet him up at the entrance way. Wardlow heads up but then Pillman Jr. pops out of the crowd and heads into the ring with a chair. MJF begs off but Wardlow grabs the chair from Pillman Jr.

MJF rolls out to the floor as Pillman Jr. hits Wardlow. Wardlow no sells it and Pillman Jr. grabs the chair as Wardlow scoots out of the ring and stands alongside MJF. Pillman Jr’s theme hits again and he plays to the crowd as MJF and Wardlow back off and head to the back.

Earlier Today: Jim Ross Has Heart To Heart With Brian Pillman Jr.

We shoot to an “earlier today” segment where Jim Ross is sitting down one-on-one with Brian Pillman Jr. He tells him a story about his dad calling him to tell him he had a son, Brian Jr. He says that son grew up and after he left the arena, he was embarrassed for him and his family.

He asks if he’s gonna kick MJF’s ass at Arthur Ashe Stadium, because that’s what it’s gonna take. Pillman Jr. assures he will as he sends a message to him by talking directly to the camera. We head to another break after this.

Christian Cage, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus Accept The Elite’s Challenge

We return from the break, we see Alex Marvez standing by with Christian Cage, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, who has Marko Stunt standing by their side. They make some jokes at the expense of Adam Cole and The Elite, and Cage tells them they better add losing another war, like Adam Cole already did to them, as they accept their challenge for a six-man showdown at Rampage.

Dante Martin & Matt Sydal vs. FTR

From there, we head back inside the Prudential Center where the team of FTR and the duo of Matt Sydal and Dante Martin are already standing in the ring ready to do battle.

We see Tully Blanchard take his spot at ringside and then the bell sounds to kick this tag-team bout off. Early on, Sydal does well and then tags in Martin. Martin gets in some good high flying offense but the duo of Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood end up shifting the momentum in their favor.

The two hit some double-team spots on Martin but Martin ends up firing up, fighting off both and tagging Sydal into the ring. Sydal takes the hot tag and goes to work, flying all over the ring and taking out both guys with ease. He then hits a big dive out to the floor along with Dante. From there, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.

As we settle back in from the break, we see FTR sneakily double-teaming Sydal. Excalibur informs us that during the break, the story of the match was much of the same. Finally Sydal starts fighting back and Dante tags in and hits a crazy high spot to shift the offensive momentum back in the favor of his team.

Punk sings his praises as he fires up and works over both Dax and Cash by himself. Things build as FTR takes back over and they finish off Martin with their double-team Big Rig finisher for the pin fall victory.

Winners: FTR

CM Punk On Minoru Suzuki Incident, Lance Archer & Suzuki Calls Out Moxley & Kingston

Now we shoot to the commentary section where CM Punk comments on the Minoru Suzuki incident as promised. He explains that he is a legend of wrestling and MMA and feels slighted that his entrance music was cut off last week, as were the fans.

Punk says they take this very seriously in AEW. They then introduce a video package that features Lance Archer and Minoru Suzuki calling out Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston for a match at Arthur Ashe Stadium where they vow to show them what hard style wrestling is all about.

Malakai Black Brawls With Rosario Dawson & Cody Rhodes

The lights inside the Prudential Center go out as we return live after the Archer/Suzuki video package. When they come back on, Malakai Black’s theme hits and he makes his way out and heads down to the ring with his bad-ass ring entrance as the AEW fans give him a nice reaction in New Jersey here tonight.

He gets on a mic and asks the members of the house of Black to please rise. He says for they have an enemy in their midst. The camera pans over and shows actress Rosario Dawson wearing a Nightmare Family sweater. The commentators talk about her being a fellow judge with Cody Rhodes on the Go Big Show on TBS.

Dawson hops over the ring apron. Malakai sees this and exits the ring and heads out after her. Cody Rhodes runs down from the crowd as Dawson jumps on Black’s back. Cody hops the barricade and starts duking it out with Malakai. The two brawl around at ringside and then Cody throws him into the crowd and heads in the crowd after him to continue duking it out.

The camera pans back at ringside to show Dawson flexing and posing. Then the camera shifts back to Cody beating Malakai down the steps way up in the Prudential Center as the AEW fans chant and go wild. Cody grabs a drink from a fan and slams it right in Malakai’s face for a big pop from the fans. They continue to brawl all the way to the top of the building. We head to a commercial break as the brawl continues.

Dan Lambert & The Men Of The Year Confronted By Chris Jericho & Jake Hager

We shoot back inside the Prudential Center where Dan Lambert and American Top Team fighters are shown standing along with The Men of the Year — Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page.

Lambert runs down the AEW fans for being dorks but is eventually cut off by the familiar sounds of Chris Jericho’s theme. The fans sing along as “Le Champion” comes out along with Jake Hager.

Dan Lambert yells at them to cut the music off. He says the fans don’t know the words, they’re looking up the lyrics on their cell phones. The music does cut off but the fans keep loudly singing each word of the theme regardless.

Jericho gets the fans to sing along with a “Fat-faced shithead, yah-yah-yah!” he creates for Lambert. Lambert yells at him and says it makes sense he’s defending AEW because not Tony Khan, but Jericho is the true con man. He says he gets these dork fans to spend their allowance on his book-of-the-month and crappy Fozzy records.

“Le Champion” talks about Hager being an undefeated MMA fighter and he is one who has a history of fighting backstage with MMA trained guys like a former UFC champion Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg. He says some advice Mike Tyson gave him about everyone being a tough guy until they get punched in the face.

Jericho and Hager start heading down to the ring. Lambert tells him to stop and says if this is gonna go down and he wants to see The Men of the Year take out the Inner Circle-jerk, they’re gonna do it in a real city, not this sh*thole of New Jersey. He says if it’s gonna go down, it’ll go down next week in the Big Apple.

Jericho agrees and says if Page and Scorpio are too scared to face them in Jersey, they’ll beat the hell out of them next week and there will be no escape from New York for them.

The Gunn Club Are Tired Of The Disrespect

We shoot to a vignette featuring The Gunn Club, who talk about the reason they stuck the dagger in the back of Paul Wight being because they’re looking for respect. They talk about wins mattering in AEW and bring up every two-man combo among them, and the trio in general are all undefeated inside the ring. They welcome anyone with a problem to say when.

Jade Cargill vs. Leyla Hirsch

We return back inside the Prudential Center where the theme for Jade Cargill hits and out she comes as she settles into the squared circle for our next match of the evening.

Cargill’s theme dies down and then the music for “Legit” Leyla Hirsch plays. Hirsch heads down to the ring as the commentators sing her praises and talk about this being the toughest test in the young career of Cargill thus far.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. We see Hirsch fare well early on, taking it to Cargill until Hirsch sends Cargill to the floor. Hirsch tried to dive out onto her but hits Mark Sterling instead, and Cargill attacks her immediately afterwards.

Cargill brings Hirsch back in the ring and goes to work on her. Hirsch ends up getting Cargill in the corner and hits a big dropkick. Hirsch fights back and takes Cargill down and slaps an armbar on her. Cargill power bombs her way out of the hold. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

As we return from the break, we see Cargill still dominating the action, but as soon as we settle back in, we see Hirsch taking over. She slaps a standing rear naked choke on Cargill, who eventually slams her way out of it. Hirsch knocks Cargill out to the floor and this time she connects with her follow-up diving splash.

Back in the ring, Hirsch hits Cargill with running knees and goes for the cover, but Cargill kicks out at two. The commentators point out that this is by far the stiffest test in Cargill’s career thus far. Hirsch misses a big high spot off the top. After that, Cargill blasts her with a pump kick. She follows that up with her finisher for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Jade Cargill

Andrade El Idolo Addresses PAC Match On Rampage, Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Jose

We shoot to a vignette covering the Andrade El Idolo vs. PAC match on Rampage. They cover Andrade being upset with Chavo Guerrero Jr. and he is shown confronting Jose to ask him why he did that because he did not give the order. The video wraps up and the commentators react to it before moving on.

Team Taz Brutally Attacks CM Punk

As the commentators continue to talk, up walks Taz and his son, Hook. Taz talks off mic and confronts Punk for “trying to take his job” on commentary. Punk says he’s not trying to do that but Taz keeps talking trash and closing in on him.

Punk stands up and takes his headset off. He closes in on Hook but as he does, from behind, Powerhouse Hobbs takes him out. Hook slaps a dragon sleeper on him and then Hobbs beats him down some more. Hook goes over and demands that Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur leave the commentary desk and walk away.

They do. Hobbs brings Punk over and chokeslams him onto the table, but it doesn’t break it falls over and Punk takes an ugly spill. The fans loudly boo as Team Taz walks off. After that, we head to another commercial break.

Shawn Spears Tells Darby Allin “The Chairman Cometh”

We return from the break to Excalibur talking about what just went down as the announce table is being set back up and the rest of the commentary team is still waiting to re-join him. He introduces a special look at the rivalry brewing between Darby Allin and Shawn Spears. A vignette airs with Spears in black-and-white. He talks about handing Allin his first defeat in AEW and vows that history will repeat itself. He tells Allin that “The Chairman Cometh.”

Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin

Now we head back inside the Prudential Center where Shawn Spears makes his way out carrying a chair as Tully Blanchard joins him and the two head down to the ring. As they settle into the ring, highlights are shown of Spears handing Darby his first loss in AEW.

Spears’ music cuts off and now the familiar sounds of Darby Allin’s theme hits as he makes his way out alongside “The Icon” Sting. The two head down to the ring for our next match of the evening here on Dynamite.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this featured contest. Spears immediately decks Allin and sends him out to the floor. He heads out after him. He walks past Sting and rams Darby into the steel steps before turning back to Sting and mocking his howl.

Spears moves the ring steps into a spot outside the ring and then rams Darby face-first into them. He puts Darby’s head up against it and kicks the hell out of it with it having nowhere to go. He points at Sting to back off. He takes his knee pad down and runs at Darby but Darby moves and Spears rams his own unprotected knee into the steel steps.

Darby heads back into the ring and builds up a full head of steam, only to pump the breaks as Tully stands in front of Spears to protect him. Darby goes to pick Shawn up and bring him into the ring but Spears springs to life and sweeps Darby’s legs out from under him. Darby takes a tough spill out to the floor.

The commentators promise a medical update on CM Punk’s condition once one is available. Spears takes a towel and rubs some alcohol on it. He heads into the ring and starts wiping the face paint off of Darby’s grill. On that note, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.

We return from the break and we see Spears has Darby stuck in a Scorpion Death Lock in the ring right in front of Sting, who is watching from ringside. Darby makes it to the ropes to break the hold. He kicks Spears in the grill as he charges at him in the corner. He dropkicks his legs out from him and hits a Code Red for a close near fall.

Spears and Allin fight on the top-rope and they end up both dumping down as Darby worked to expose Spears’ hurt knee, while Spears grabs at the chain of Darby. Spears hoists Darby up for a C4 on the steps outside the ring but Darby escapes and knocks Spears onto them. Darby builds up a head of steam and dives through the ropes, taking Spears out in the process. He brings him back in the ring and heads to the top rope for a Coffin Drop and the pin fall victory.

Winner: Darby Allin

FTR & Tully Blanchard Beat Down, Humiliate Sting

Once the match wraps up, FTR hits the ring and stares down Darby Allin and Sting. All four starts duking it out and then we see Tully Blanchard roll into the ring from behind with a chair.

He blasts Sting but “The Icon” no sells it and kicks the chair out of Tully’s hands. He grabs him but is guzzled up from behind by FTR. Darby tries to help but is also guzzled up as well. FTR hits a spiked pile driver off the top on Sting. They hold him and Tully walks over with a towel covered in alcohol. He wipes the face paint off Sting’s grill and leaves him laying as the fans boo.

Bryan Danielson Confronted By Don Callis & Kenny Omega

We shoot to a video message from Bryan Danielson, who talks about The Elite looking insecure to him. He says he only has a problem with one member and that is Kenny Omega. He says he’d love Omega to be his first match. He says he’s here to wrestle and he’s game.

Now we return live where Tony Schiavone is standing in the ring. He introduces Bryan Danielson and out comes the man himself. He leads the fans in some “Yes!” chants and then heads down to the ring. Excalibur on commentary says “The American Dragon” is back, noting it is Danielson’s old name.

Schiavone brings up Danielson mentioning wanting to be in the ring with Omega as his first opponent in AEW. He asks him about that but before he can say anything, out comes Don Callis saying we’ve heard enough from Danielson.

Callis and Kenny Omega head down to the ring. Schiavone leaves as Callis and Omega start verbally dressing down Danielson face-to-face in the ring. Callis brings up Danielson coming to AEW to help the business. He says “and they call me a carny piece of sh*t.” He says Omega told him he knows him a little bit and he’s serious. Callis says he’s not a carny then, he’s a mark.

He goes to continue ranting and raving but Danielson yells at him to shut up. He says he came here to talk to Omega. He says he should give the people what they want — which is to see who is better — Bryan Danielson or Kenny Omega. The fans chant “Yes!” while Callis yells “No!” each time in response. Danielson yells at Callis to shut up, and calls him a piece of sh*t.

Danielson says he came here to talk to Omega and he says he came to AEW to fight the best bout machine and the god of professional wrestling, but since he’s been here all he’s seen is a guy who hangs out with a bunch of goofy stooge and lets Callis, a piece of sh*t, talk for him. The fans keep chanting “Piece of sh*t” at Callis every time Danielson makes the reference, by the way.

Bryan says he heard rumors that Omega lost his confidence and lost a step. He says he doesn’t think that’s true. He thinks Omega just lost his balls. He asks him what he says — yes or no. The fans chant “Yes!” a bunch and Omega pauses before responding.

Omega asks Danielson if he really wants the best bout machine and the god of pro wrestling. He says his answer is yes. The fans explode. Omega drops the mic. Callis doesn’t look happy about this. The fans definitely are! Danielson seems pleased as well. They both drop their mics and take a step closer, going nose-to-nose. The fans chant “AEW! AEW!” in the background.

Miro Responds To Fuego Del Sol

Now we shoot to a special message from TNT Champion Miro, who responds to the challenge earlier in the show made by Fuego Del Sol. Miro says he spared him once but now he’s gonna beat him down and smash his car. After this, we head to another commercial break.

Matt Hardy Vows To Cut Off Orange Cassidy’s Hair

As we settle back in from the commercial break, we shoot to a special message from Matt Hardy. He vows to cut the hair of Orange Cassidy and expose him as the Freshly Squeezed Egg-Head. After that, the commentators run down some confirmed matches for upcoming shows.

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. 2point0 (w/ Daniel Garcia)

Now “Wild Thing” hits inside the Prudential Center and Newark, N.J. is treated to the trademark through-the-crowd ring entrance of Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston. The duo make their way down to the ring for tonight’s tag-team main event of the evening.

As soon as they settle in at the ringside area, the brawl begins as 2point0 arrives with Daniel Garcia. Jeff Parker and Matt Lee get the early jump on Kingston. Mox fights back but ends up in the ring with Parker.

With Mox and Parker in the ring, the ref calls for the bell and this headline bout is officially off-and-running. Mox goes to work, punishing Parker in the squared circle straight from the word go. He hits a high hard back body drop and then chops the hell out of Parker in the corner.

Parker gouges the eyes of Mox and tags in Matt Lee. Mox beats Lee down relatively easy and then starts biting at his face. As 2point0 start to double team Mox on the floor at ringside, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues in our final match of the evening here on Dynamite.

When we return from the break we see Parker working over Mox. Mox tries fighting back but is double teamed by Parker and Lee, who control him and keep them on their half of the ring. We see a cheap shot to Kingston on the ring apron as the duo continues to keep Mox away from his side of the ring.

Mox finally blasts them with a big lariat and then makes the hot tag to Kingston. “The Mad King” dukes it out with Parker and Lee by himself. He hits machine gun chops to Lee in the corner and then hits a high-crotch exploder suplex on him. He knocks Garcia off the ring apron and blasts Parker with a spinning back fist. He hits Lee with a DDT and then tags Mox back in.

Jon Moxley springboards himself into the ring and gets in Kingston’s face. The two work each other up and then turn Parker inside out with a double team finisher. Mox covers him for the pin fall victory after that and picks up the win in this week’s main event for he and Kingston.

Winners: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer Brawl With Moxley & Kingston

Once the match ends, Mox yells into the camera, “Who wants some?”

Apparently Minoru Suzuki saw this.

His theme hits inside the Prudential Center in Newark and this time it isn’t cut off as it plays out and the Japanese legend makes his way out to a big pop.

Suzuki casually walks to the ring touching at his cut eye. Mox talks trash from in the ring as he waits for him. Suzuki unzips his jacket and heads to the ringside area. He hops on the ring apron and plays to the fans a bit as his theme continues to play.

Mox stands in the front as Kingston stands behind him. The fans sing along with Suzuki’s theme just as Lance Archer appears behind Kingston and yanks him out to the floor. Suzuki then hits the ring and starts duking it out with Moxley.

We see Moxley and Kingston brawl with Suzuki and Archer on the floor. Archer and Kingston fight through the crowd while Suzuki and Mox brawl at ringside. Mox and Suzuki fight on the top of the timekeepers table. Suzuki gets a Gotch-style piledriver on Mox with intentions of putting him through the table. Mox ends up escaping.

Mox targets the cut eye of Suzuki and brawls with him some more at ringside as officials try and break things up. The camera shows Kingston and Archer brawling in the crowd. Graphics flash on the screen to promote the upcoming Grand Slam shows as this wild brawl continues through the crowd as the commentators take us off the air. Thanks for joining us!

Matt Boone
Matt Boone
Matt Boone has two decades of experience in wrestling and MMA journalism, dating back to and co-hosting Wrestle Zone Radio.

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