Chris Rock Sad Message To Will Smith’s Wife Leaks

Jada Pinkett Smith opened up to People magazine about her feelings regarding her encounter with Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, which made headlines when her husband, Will Smith, slapped Rock in response to a joke about Jada’s alopecia.



Jada revealed that she hasn’t spoken to Chris Rock since that night, and when asked if she was offended by Rock’s joke, she stated, “I mean, that’s what comedians do.” She emphasized that she doesn’t want to pass judgment on how people express themselves and their art, even though her feelings were hurt by some of Rock’s comments. Jada expressed understanding that being in the spotlight comes with the territory, and she recognizes that public figures, including comedians, have their own styles of humor and expression.

Jada also shared that Chris Rock approached her immediately after the slap. He came down from the stage to apologize and told her, “I didn’t mean you any harm.” However, Jada didn’t engage in a conversation at that moment, as she was confused and thought it might be related to issues stemming from the 2016 Oscars. In 2016, Jada had publicly protested the Oscars due to the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, and Rock hosted the ceremony that year. Jada believes that Rock might have taken offense to her comments about the Oscars, leading to a misunderstanding between them.

Regarding the 2016 Oscars incident, Jada said, “There might be some misunderstanding between Chris and me as far as the 2016 Oscars. I think that he might’ve taken offense, which I meant no harm in offending. That wasn’t my intention. But I do think that there’s a big misunderstanding there.”

She acknowledged that she should have reached out to Rock, expressing her good wishes and clarifying her stance. In the past, they did speak and apologized to each other. Jada thought the issue had been resolved until the 2022 Oscars incident.

Jada also revealed that Chris Rock had once asked her out on a date during a period when rumors circulated about her potential divorce from Will Smith. Jada clarified that she and Will are not divorced but have been secretly separated for the last seven years, with six of those years preceding the Oscars incident. She initially thought the slap at the Oscars was part of a skit and only realized it was real when Will returned to his seat.

The conversation offered insights into Jada Pinkett Smith’s perspective on the incidents and her relationship with Chris Rock and Will Smith.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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