Keith Lee has been plagued with bad luck over the short term as WWE and Vince McMahon have seemingly dropped the ball on his run. Fans have been upset by WWE’s negative moves with Keith as he has always been a very likeable character and a good in-ring performer. The bad luck hasn’t stopped for Keith Lee, sadly. Keith Lee Reveals Sad WWE Hiatus Secret.
Let’s find out about this as we take a deep dive into the newest episode of ‘The Nitty Gritty Dirt Show’ with two of our favorites to listen to, the famed Vince Russo and the ever knowledgeable Billi Bhatti.
Billi Bhatti: “This is crazy. So, Keith Lee came in and he had Covid. As you guys know, he missed the Royal Rumble and everything. He came back. He came back and he had a match with Matt Riddle, do you remember? He got attacked by Bobby Lashley and everything.”
Bhatti continues onward: “So, Keith Lee had that match, but he was suffering throughout that match. When he got backstage he really suffered from the effects of long Covid to a point where he was in really, really, bad shape backstage. Like, they needed to get him on oxygen and everything.”
Bhatti closes: “He came back and he doesn’t have Covid or anything, but the match in terms of coming back and passing a Covid test is different than recovering from Covid.”