Stephanie McMahon was not happy with Jim Ross when he left his position as Vice President of Talent Relations. During a recent edition of The Jim Cornette Experience, former WWE creative team member Jim Cornette and co-host Brian Last discussed John Laurinaitis returning to WWE’s talent relations department. Here, Cornette discusses how Laurinitis’ one-time predecessor and current AEW commentator Jim ‘JR’ Ross was lambasted by Stephanie McMahon for going against the WWE creative team and questioning the quality of writers that Vince McMahon would hire, something that Laurinaitis would not do. Wrestling-Edge transcribed the following remarks. Stephanie McMahon has ‘demanded’ that Vince hire this big name.
Cornette: You remember the quote from Stephanie McMahon, JR is wanting to get out of there, they are wanting to find someone else to take it over they put Laurinaitis in the spot as JR’s assistant to be the inheritor of the thing because Stephanie liked him. Stephanie’s comment at the time when JR did step down and Laurinaitis took over was ‘we finally have a Vice President of Talent Relations that is going to fight for the creative team instead of against it.’ JR was because of seniority and because of the fact that it was his job was still telling Vince McMahon: “Hey these new writers that you’re hiring don’t really know what they are doing.” In the nice way that JR says these things.
Cornette continued: So then, Laurinaitis led the talent relations department in the same direction that the new writers were taking the creative farther away from wrestling and more in terms of their corporate environment. He was happy to do it.