Trump Reveals Truth About Mike Johnson

According to Mediaite, former President Donald Trump offered his support to Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA) for his bid to become the GOP’s next Speaker of the House, indicating his confidence that Johnson’s speakership was inevitable before he was elected. Trump’s endorsement came as he attended his ongoing trial in the fraud case initiated by New York Attorney General Letitia James, with his former associate and star witness Michael Cohen also present.



Responding to reporters’ inquiries about the speaker race before entering the courtroom, Trump praised Johnson as a highly respected congressman, emphasizing the importance of his widespread admiration within the political sphere. Trump alluded to his recent statements in support of Johnson on Truth Social, highlighting his confidence in Johnson’s potential to be a significant and successful speaker. It is to be noted that, Mike Johnson has now been confirmed as new Speaker of the House. This happened before he was confirmed.

In a purportedly strategic move, Trump clarified his stance on the speaker race in a Truth Social post, refraining from making a direct endorsement and instead offering a “strong suggestion” for Johnson’s election. In the post, Trump underscored the exceptional qualities of all the candidates, affirming his unwavering support for the individuals who have consistently stood by him since the start of his political journey.

With the speaker race gaining momentum and the GOP experiencing internal fractures, Trump’s vocal support for Johnson echoed his intent to rally behind a candidate he deemed capable of effectively leading the party. As the dynamics within the GOP continue to evolve, Trump’s strategic involvement in endorsing candidates serves as a pivotal factor in shaping the future direction of the party.

Tremendous congressman respected by everybody. I here it looks like it’s very good. And I had a negative comment about and everybody like him. He’s respected by all, and that’s something we need. And it looks like it’s going to happen!

So there’ll be a wonderful — and I put out a Truth today on him. And I did one last night, you saw that.

…And we think it’s going to be somebody really spectacular and maybe for many years to come will be very good. So we’re very happy about that.

(wanders off-topic and back)

Getting back to Congress we think Mike Johnson’s going to do really well. He’s popular, he’s smart and sharp. He’s going to be fantastic. I think he’s going to be a fantastic speaker. I believe that will happen. We’ll see what, you’ll let me know when I come, I’ll be out in a couple of hours.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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