Trump Throws Sidney Powell Under The Bus

Donald Trump recently voiced his support for Sidney Powell, acknowledging her as part of the significant population who falsely believe that the 2020 Presidential Election was marred by rigging and theft, leading to the profound destruction of the country. Trump emphasized that despite widespread reports from the ‘Fake News’ suggesting otherwise, Powell was never officially his attorney, and he didn’t even consult her as part of his campaign. He noted that she would have faced conflicts if she had been involved directly.



In his statement, Trump lauded Powell’s dedicated representation of General Mike Flynn, who he claimed had been unjustly targeted and mistreated by the government. Trump characterized Flynn’s prosecution as relentless and unjust, asserting that despite the presence of factual evidence, he was subjected to a ruthless legal process. Drawing attention to Flynn’s case, Trump linked it to the persecution faced by numerous other innocent individuals under what he labeled as a ‘Fascist government.’

Trump concluded his statement by expressing his pride in granting Flynn a full pardon, suggesting that his actions were a testament to his stance against what he perceived as an oppressive government. The remarks serve as a testament to Trump’s continued narrative about the 2020 election and his outspoken defense of those he views as victims of a purportedly unjust system.

Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! Despite the Fake News reports to the contrary, and without even reaching out to ask the Trump Campaign, MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted. Ms. Powell did a valiant job of representing a very unfairly treated and governmentally abused General Mike Flynn, but to no avail. His prosecution, despite the facts, was ruthless. He was an innocent man, much like many other innocent people who are being persecuted by this now Fascist government of ours, and I was honored to give him a Full Pardon!

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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