Vince McMahon Allegedly Insulted WWE Star Who Died

The professional wrestling community mourned deeply when Brodie Lee passed away, leaving a void that resonated throughout the industry. Widely celebrated for his talent and character, stories highlighting Lee’s exceptional qualities as a human being emerged in the wake of his untimely death on December 26th, 2020, attributed to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a rare lung condition.



One of Brodie Lee’s defining moments in the wrestling world came with his reign as the TNT Champion, a title he earned with resounding success, notably defeating Cody Rhodes in a memorable squash match. His tenure as the TNT Champion solidified his status as one of the greatest to hold the title, garnering admiration and respect from fans and peers alike.

However, amidst the tributes and reflections on Brodie Lee’s legacy, disturbing allegations surfaced regarding Vince McMahon, the chairman and CEO of WWE. Former WWE star Viktor shed light on McMahon’s purported disrespect towards Lee following his passing. Viktor lamented the apparent lack of empathy displayed by McMahon, revealing that he heard McMahon making disparaging remarks that tarnished his perception of the wrestling mogul.

“I lost a lot of respect for him after Brodie Lee passed away because I heard he made some remarks to people that were not very becoming of him. I knew how much Brodie had tried to really just be a person with Vince and really make WWE his family, and Vince just wouldn’t have it. Like, he just hated him for some reason.”

Viktor disclosed that Brodie Lee had endeavored to establish a familial connection with McMahon, seeking to integrate himself within the WWE fold beyond his professional role. However, according to Viktor, McMahon’s response was cold and indifferent, failing to reciprocate Lee’s efforts to foster a closer relationship.

The revelation of McMahon’s alleged remarks regarding Brodie Lee’s passing left Viktor disillusioned and disheartened. He expressed his disappointment at McMahon’s apparent apathy towards Lee’s death, recounting instances where McMahon seemed irritated by the outpouring of grief and remembrance from those within the wrestling community.

“I was really surprised at how Vince took Brodie’s death and how little he cared, How much it pi**ed him off that people did care about it. So once I heard that, I was just kind of like, ‘Well if that’s going to be the guy running a company, I don’t ever want to work for him again.’”

Viktor’s account shed light on McMahon’s demeanor in the aftermath of Brodie Lee’s passing, highlighting a stark contrast to the widespread reverence and sorrow felt by many. McMahon’s perceived indifference and aversion to acknowledging Lee’s significance deeply troubled Viktor, prompting him to reassess his willingness to work under McMahon’s leadership in the future.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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