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In an article released on NYPost.com on April 1st, it came to light that Janel Grant had penned what was described as a “love letter” to Vince McMahon on December 24th, 2021, pouring out her affection and dedication towards him. The publication shared an excerpt from the letter, unveiling Grant’s profound sentiments:

“After almost 3 years together, it’s like my life isn’t even real to me unless you’re there and in it and I’m sharing it all with you.”

Ann Callis, in a recent interview with POST Wrestling and Wrestlenomics, addressed the disclosure of the purported love letter written by Grant, characterizing it as a form of intimidation and victim-blaming.

In response to Rosenberg’s observation regarding the multiple drafts of Grant’s letter, Callis highlighted the absurdity of coercing someone to revise a love letter numerous times and interpreted it as evidence of misconduct on McMahon’s part. He argued that Grant’s repeated revisions did not stem from genuine affection but rather from fear of potential repercussions.

“It was a tactic to intimidate Janel and victim-shame her. Ms. Grant’s letter is multiple pages, includes details of their relationship and indicates she wrote 24 drafts. It makes no sense to coerce someone to write 24 drafts of a multiple-page love letter. For Vince McMahon, it’s further proof of misconduct. Redoing and editing the letter — it wasn’t love, it was fear of repercussions. She [Grant] was, frankly, an emotional prisoner and was asked to [write a love letter] by Vince McMahon. This isn’t a new thing, like, ‘gotcha.’ It happens when people are sex trafficked.

Callis drew a parallel between Grant’s situation and that of an emotional prisoner, suggesting that she may have felt compelled to comply with McMahon’s request. He underscored the gravity of the situation by likening it to instances of coercion in cases of sex trafficking.

According to Callis’s statements to POST/Wrestlenomics, the “Paul” mentioned by Grant in her letter refers to Paul Mangieri, an executive assistant for WWE. Additionally, sources familiar with WWE informed them that Mickey Mangieri, another individual, also worked as an assistant to McMahon.

In response to Grant’s letter, McMahon’s attorney, Jessica Taub Rosenberg, contended that the extensive revisions of the multi-page document indicate a consensual relationship between Grant and McMahon. Rosenberg refuted the notion that Grant was coerced into writing the letter, asserting that its revisions suggest otherwise.

“Ms. Grant’s letter is multiple pages, includes details of their relationship and indicates she wrote 24 drafts. It makes no sense to coerce someone to write 24 drafts of a multiple-page love letter. Ms. Grant wrote this love letter to Mr. McMahon. Her attorney is now desperately trying to explain it away because it shows the relationship was consensual and the lawsuit’s allegations are a sham. The false explanation that it was ‘coerced’ is nonsense. Ms. Grant’s letter is just one piece of evidence demonstrating the relationship was consensual and her allegations in the lawsuit are false. There are more pieces of evidence like this to come that will prove her claims are meritless.”

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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